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Company foundation in the U.S.

Incorporating a business in the USA is a common and recommended practice for reasons relating to sales, administration, and liability. It can significantly reduce the liability risk of a European company’s business activities in the USA.

Incorporating in the USA is vastly different from the process in Europe in terms of the legal and regulatory situation. In the USA, there is no commercial register, no notarization requirement, and no minimum capital, and US companies are incorporated exclusively at the state level (“a Delaware Corporation”). After providing a fixed-price quote for all legal services, we will proactively guide you through the incorporation process. This includes selecting a legal form and properly filling the positions on the Board of Directors and of the Corporate Officers.

The aim is for the parent company to take care of the sales-related aspects while we handle the legal part. Since all business ventures start with upfront costs, incorporating in the USA should be done as quickly as possible in order to give the US company the best chance of achieving rapid business success in the US market. We make every effort to ensure that neither the parent company in Europe nor the organs of the US subsidiary accrues a potential liability. There is virtually no chance of getting credit cards, local insurance, visas, and bank accounts or renting office space and warehouses without incorporating in the USA, but these things are essential for the operational side of the business. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to apply for a visa without incorporating, since the US company is the so-called “visa sponsor”. This aspect has great practical relevance because most companies, after incorporating, decide to dispatch an employee from Europe who then requires a work permit. Once your incorporation is complete and you are satisfied with our firm’s legal services, we will be available to you in the role of Corporate Secretary for further consultation on your business operations.



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